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Work / life balance for freelancers

Brennan Dunn
Laura Elizabeth
Brennan Dunn, Zach Swinehart, & Laura Elizabeth Co-Owners,

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Do You Need To Grow a Team To Earn 6 Figures?

Today’s post was inspired by a challenge one of our DYF community members – let’s call him Sean – is experiencing. If you’re a freelancer who enjoys your craft (i.e….

How To Prepare Your Freelancing Business For The New Year

I don’t know about you, but I’m always full of hope and optimism at the end of the year. This is going to be the year I finally make going to…

How Are You Going To Protect Your Greatest Asset – Yourself?

My favorite talk from the 2016 DYFConf North America wasn’t about some new, highly profitable marketing strategy or automation technique. It was “a cautionary tale about the awesomeness of being…

Financial Independence For Freelancers

You know it’s important to save money. For retirement. For unexpected big expenses. And — especially as a freelancer — if you end up in a prolonged dry spell with no client work….

How To Defeat Burnout

Sooner or later, we all want to give up. A few of us act on it and go back to the relative comfort of a “show up and get paid”…

Overcoming Fear In Your Business

I want to talk today about fear. A few weeks ago, I began planning how I’d release my newest product, the Freelancers Guild. And even though I’ve sold millions of…

Happier Freelancing

“I’m not enjoying freelancing. It was supposed to be this amazing blend of great money and freedom, but I find myself stressed, bored, or overworked. I’m either chasing down invoices,…

20 Traits of Successful Freelancers

Have you ever wondered what traits separate exceptional freelancers from the average? You know — people who charge huge rates, work on incredible projects, and just seem to be kicking…

5 Time Management Tips for Freelancers

Most of us quit our jobs and become freelancers because of the allure of being free. Historically, a freelancer was sort of a medieval mercenary. In a time of serfdom…