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OLD - Pricing Your Services

Brennan Dunn
Laura Elizabeth
Brennan Dunn, Zach Swinehart, & Laura Elizabeth Co-Owners,

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Should You Work For Anything But Cash?

Sooner or later, we all get asked to switch up the way we bill for a client. We might be asked to sacrifice revenue in exchange for equity (this is…

Should Freelancers Bill By The Hour?

Most of us bill by the hour. In fact, a quick database query of Planscope shows that 81% of my customers bill hourly. Billing for your time is foolproof. Your clients can…

How To Sell A Startup Client On Value

So if you’ve been reading my work for a while, you know I’m pretty gung-ho about what I like to call the “financial upside” you deliver to your clients. The…

The 2024 Definitive Guide To Project Billing

Today I’d like to, once and for all, answer a question that I’ve been asked hundreds of times. “Brennan, how should I bill my clients?” Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, per feature,…

Should You Charge More For A Rush Job?

Recently, Margaret wrote me asking — “Brennan, what do you think about charging more for a rush job??” Have you ever seen the bill for an emergency room visit in…

How To Set Your Hourly Rate as a Freelancer

When you’re just starting out as a freelancer, the first question most people ask is: What do I charge? Good news! It’s not that hard to figure out. Don’t base…

How To Convince Your Clients To Pay You Hourly

If there’s one thing I’ve ever regretted while freelancing, it’s having been suckered into fixed bids – or to put it plainly: projects where the client has a vague idea…